Birthday girl

As I may have mentioned before, it was Sammie’s first birthday on Thursday. She had a lovely day, starting with a big cuddle after her breakfast. Then it was time for her birthday cards. I’d bought her one, and another one arrived from Jackie and Fliss.

BirthdayGirl2015-01_bShe had a special birthday lunch. She usually has Whiskers or occasionally a treat of some Gourmet, but today she had a tin of white tuna with shrimp. With one of her favourite chewy sticks stuck in it. I’m pretty sure she’d prefer that to a candle 😉

BirthdayGirl-02_bShe was very keen to get her paws on it while I was preparing it, but she seemed a bit bemused about how to eat it once it was down.

We took it off her for a moment and mashed it up while she sat and waited.

Sammie200815-01_bShe really enjoyed it, and left a few crumbs for Frodo, who had his lunch upstairs so Sammie could enjoy her treat undisturbed.

Next we made a ball pit for them to play in. I’d seen the balls in Asda and thought the cats might like them. We used one of the boxes that the cat tree came in.

Sammie200815-03_bThe cats were a bit dubious about it, and we’ve since taken most of the balls back out to see if they prefer that.

They love chasing the balls round the house, so I can see that we’re going to be finding them everywhere now. They’re easier to find than the little ones though and can’t squeeze under the sofas so at least we won’t be finding them all hiding under there.

Frodo is a budding footballer and will chase a ball round for ages. He seems to really like these balls as they’re very soft and light. Good job really, as we do have rather a lot of them.

It’s here!

Sammie’s birthday is coming up soon so we’ve bought her a lovely present. It arrived a couple of days ago and Sammie seemed very interested in it.

Cats060815-01_bFrodo soon came for a look too.

Cats060815-02_bThey both had great fun playing on the boxes, although Frodo did seem more interested in what I was doing at one point.

Frodo060815-01_bHe does this thing where he tilts his head to one side as if he’s giving something a lot of thought. It’s the cutest thing ever. He’s six months old tomorrow so we’re calling it his half-birthday so he can share in the fun in a few days.

The boxes won’t be opened until nearer the date but then I’m sure the cats will love their new boxes once we’ve emptied them. Hopefully they’ll like the contents too.

The bag – Frodo’s revenge

They’re still loving that paper carrier bag. I really must buy from that shop again so I can get them another one when this one wears out 😉

Sammie has played with her mouse in there, has napped in there and has tried to hide from Frodo in there. Unsuccessfully.

You remember how she claimed the bag from Frodo in my last post? This time he got her back.

Bags make the best toys

Our cats have a lot of toys. We try to make sure that they have plenty of things to entertain them. This doesn’t mean they always like the special cat toys that they have scattered all around the house. Sometimes they’ll be amused by something as simple as a paper carrier bag.

Frodo has had great fun in this one, along with a couple of stray feathers from one of his other toys.


Sammie was relaxing in one of the houses on the cat tree. She was quite happy in there. I love the way she peeks out through the window.

Sammie080615-01bThen, along came Mr. Mischief, aka Frodo.

S&F080615-01bHe wanted to play so tormented Sammie until she obliged. Obviously, I took some video.

It’s great to see them both enjoying the cat tree. They both play on it a lot and it’s good exercise for them.

Waiting for a mouse

If I’m on the sofa, Sammie will often bring me a toy mouse to throw for her. As soon as I take the hint, and pick it up, she dives over to the other sofa and sits there waiting for me to throw it in her direction.


She likes it best if I throw it a little high so she has to leap for it. I love the way she catches it in her front paws, and transfers it to her mouth while in the air, so she can land on all four paws.

Sometimes I get distracted or maybe she forgets to bring the mouse back. Then she ends up sitting and waiting for long enough that she nods off.

Sammie270415-02bWhen I spotted her like that a couple of days ago, she looked so cute that I needed to snap a couple of photos, which woke her up.

Sammie270415-01bThen she remembered why she was there in the first place and demanded to play again. Obviously, I obliged 🙂



Cat fort

Sammie loves cardboard boxes and as we’ve had a few things delivered recently, we had a nice stash of them. We thought she might like a little cat fort made from them so we’ve made a start. It’s a work in progress but she’s enjoying it already.



It’s one of her new favourite perches, but she’s also had fun playing inside, and went in there for a nap too.

It’s a shame I can’t get in my bookcases very easily now, but Sammie comes first 🙂